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2010-01-18 [Eternal Sunshine]: Not asking about what?! O.o
2010-01-18 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Lots of places.
Mostly out to Oregon, but we travel for vacation and my dad's work too.
Hims a beta fishy, he's red, and his name's Buddy. :3
2010-01-18 [Eternal Sunshine]: Niiiiiiiice!
Beta's are pretty! <3
2010-01-18 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Indeed. :)
2010-01-18 [Lucifer's Fire]: i have lots of pets. to be exact:
3 dogs
5 cats
and roughly
10-15 fish
and then we have me :D
2010-01-18 [Eternal Sunshine]: Cuz everyone knows you're a pet, Frank! *pets Frank and gives him a treat* Good boy! :3
2010-01-18 [Lucifer's Fire]: yupyup. imma duck. ^^
2010-01-18 [Lucifer's Fire]: i just got called a pansy....=\
2010-01-18 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Wow. My friend has like 7 dogs 5 cats, 3 horses and a bobcat for a pet.
2010-01-18 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Isn't a pansy some kind of flower? Why would someone call you a flower?
2010-01-18 [Eternal Sunshine]: Because Frank's my flower!
*huggles both Chellie AND Frank*
2010-01-18 [Lucifer's Fire]: no pansy like girly.
i got called a pansy cause my room mates dog decided to destroy her slipper and i decided to sew it back together for her well my fiancee called and asked what i was doing and i replied at this moment in time im sewing. she said haha ya pansy.
2010-01-18 [Lucifer's Fire]: haha im Reis flower ^^
2010-01-18 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yes! You are!!!! <3
2010-01-19 [Lucifer's Fire]: woots!!!
did you just draw that in paint?
2010-01-19 [Eternal Sunshine]: HA!
Who knew?! I have artistic paint talent! :O
2010-01-19 [Lucifer's Fire]: whoopwhoop!
2010-01-19 [Eternal Sunshine]: *dances and head/bangs*
2010-01-19 [Lucifer's Fire]: teehee
2010-01-19 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *huggles Rei*
Yayy for paint.
2010-01-19 [Lucifer's Fire]: lol
2010-01-19 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yes!
Chellie, I'mma make you a drawing too! XD
2010-01-19 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yayys!!
Now I think I wanna make you a sign or something and post it on my page. :D
2010-01-19 [Eternal Sunshine]: Go for it!!! *laughs* I'll have to wait to do the picture for you though... :P Don't have paint on the desktop... that's the one I'm on now. :P
2010-01-20 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Aww. Oh well, I can be patient. :3
And I'll probably do yours this weekend, when I have time to make it pretty!
2010-01-20 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yes! I will wait to... until I don't have ten million people yakkin at once on msn! *snickers*
2010-01-20 [Tears of the Angel]: .... *raised eyebrow*
2010-01-20 [Lucifer's Fire]: sorry to hear your sick Rei.
im feeling better and managed to NOT get the kids sick. woot!
2010-01-20 [Eternal Sunshine]: Good job Frank...
2010-01-20 [Lucifer's Fire]: aww. Rei your a sweetie to Nate.
2010-01-20 [Eternal Sunshine]: He's my saviour... my angel... of course I am. *chuckles*
2010-01-20 [Lucifer's Fire]: ^^
well....Rayn is technically and LEGALLY my Guardian...if thats not at all weird....
2010-01-20 [Eternal Sunshine]: I could say the same for Nathan. Technically. HAHA! <3
2010-01-20 [Lucifer's Fire]: leagally....li
2010-01-20 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* I know what you meant. XD
2010-01-20 [Lucifer's Fire]: haha.
its kinda weird though....
cause were getting married.
2010-01-20 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: =]
2010-01-21 [Lucifer's Fire]: hey Chellie!!!
2010-01-21 [Eternal Sunshine]: *collapses on a couch and sobs*
2010-01-21 [Lucifer's Fire]: *puts Mentholatum rub on your knee*
2010-01-21 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awww. Thanks. T^T
It hurts cuz I did something to the knee cap... because I fell on ice two... or three years ago... and nearly broke it.
2010-01-21 [Lucifer's Fire]: well this'll make it feel better. Rayn uses it on my back cause i strained it one too many times.
2010-01-21 [Eternal Sunshine]: Niiice.
I need to get some Rub A535 or something. T^T
I just noticed... when you put "A535"... it almost looks like ass! :O
2010-01-21 [Lucifer's Fire]: XD
2010-01-21 [Eternal Sunshine]: PROUD TO BE! *grins madly*
2010-01-21 [Lucifer's Fire]: XD. silly.
2010-01-21 [Eternal Sunshine]: again... proud to be!
2010-01-21 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Ello. ^.^
Haha, same here. :)
2010-01-22 [Lucifer's Fire]: its so freaking hot!!!! T_T
2010-01-22 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: D:
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: it's cold here. =\
2010-01-22 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Same here. I hate it.
2010-01-22 [Lucifer's Fire]: move to louisiana. spring is coming early this year apparently >.<
2010-01-22 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yayy! I wish we got an early spring, even March or April would be nice. T_____T
2010-01-22 [Lucifer's Fire]: god...you wouldnt want that here. it rains too damn much
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: It's not rain we have to worry about here...
Because we usually get so much snow... come spring, if spring hits too fast... the snow melts all at once and EPIC flooding happens. :P
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: yay floods....wait
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: wait what?
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: exactly XD
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Huh? *confused*
Guess what I've decided to learn, Corey! *dances wildly*
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: um....no idea
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: I'm honestly... actually learning the bass now!!!
I got in trouble for it...
but I was at Nate's brother's house yesterday, and without him knowing at first, picked up the bass and was like "DUDE, I WANNA LEARN!!!"....
I just got my check the other day in the mail... so I used saved up money and that... and got myself one... <3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: cool, but what kind of bass?
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Rock bass.
Jay Turser.
She's a beaut too...
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: nice, some advise though, do not do slap bass, it hurts >.>
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: I don't plan to. :P
I'm like... just barely learning... so I'm doing scales. XD
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: ....scales? i learnt guitar but i dont know any chords or scales
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Well, I wanna start from the beginning... and Owen said that's the best way to learn... scales. He gave me a book of scales and stuff. So I'm like... WHEEEE! Now XD haha! <3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: yeah it is the best way, my teacher was a bit lax in that department >.>
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Ha! XD
I'm learning all by myself. No teacher or anything.
By the way, did ya see the picture?! *points to my house*
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: no sorry, i didnt check one sec haha .
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Alrighties! :3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: nice, good colour in the body
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* Yep. She's a beauty. haha! <3 It's like... my baby now! HAHA! <3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: so what songs do you hope to learn?
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: rock/old rock especially. The stuff I grew up listening to! <3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: ah cool. before you said 'no teacher' isnt Owen teaching you?
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Nope.
He just gave me a book of stuff and told me that scales was the way to go.
I'm learning alone.
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: boo that sucks, its more fun if someone is helping
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Nah.
I work better alone.
Easier for me because then I can work at MY pace. :3
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: well thats one way i guess :P
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods*
AGH! *grumbles* My eyes hurt, and my head hurts.
Because it's so dang bright here! The sun decided to shine after days of it being cloudy and not all that sunny.
It's so bright! O.o
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: lol we just got cloud cover, all your cloud cover are belonging to us
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: yes! HA!
*sticks tongue out* It's YOURS now! XD
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: good we need it, damn heat. Gah I hate this damn library search engine!
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: O.o
Library search engine?!
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: yeah i was looking online through the library and i enter 'God is not great' and i got all these pro god books >.<
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awww, argh! *shakes fist*
I'm watching a disturbing video my friend just sent me.
And it's VERY disturbing and made me tear up! *tears*
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: disturbing how?
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: like... sad... because it actually happens...
it's about the choking game. (a friend of my friend's family killed himself... and they believe it's because of that "choking game" >.<)
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: choking game?
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yea.
Apparently kids will like... lock themselves in their rooms with their friends, tie a rope or belt or something around their necks and choke themselves until they feel lightheaded(or pass out)... but a lot of the kids who do that... they die.
There was a 13 year old boy on the video who was sobbing on the phone to 911 about his twin brother who died playing the choking game!!
*tears* It's emotional!
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: damn morons
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yea!
And my second youngest sister is the age between they say that the kids play it most... between ages 9-15... My second youngest sister, Jenna is 10... >.< So, I'mma make sure she knows what it is and not to try it! *nods with a mission*
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: If i ever caught my child playing something like that.....
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Holy hell, if Jenna DARES try that... I will have her taken out of school and I'll home school her and not let her out of my sight EVER again(until she's old enough to know better T^T)
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: that is a bit....extensi
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: I'm protective of my sisters.
My mother killed herself due to OD...
I'm not letting anything happen to my sisters.
(why do you think Kamryn and Sienna don't live at home anymore? XD)
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: good point haha. ugh what to do, what to do...
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: What to do?!
Wait... ain't it late there?! O_O
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: 3:32 am
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Holy Toledo! O.o
Although, I was up at the time last night...
I am every night... =\
2010-01-22 [Strawboy]: haha...i might head off to bed actually. night Rei
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: Niiiight Corey! *waves*
2010-01-22 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Moo
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: AFLAC!
2010-01-22 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Hahaha.
2010-01-22 [Eternal Sunshine]: How are you ChellieBear!! :3
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Pretty chill. Just hangin out and listenin to some Bob Marley.
How about you? :)
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Niiiice.
Bob Marley = <3 XD
And I'm just trying desperately to find something to do... and listening to Gleeeee music for lack of anything else to do. :3
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Indeed. One Love. <333
Hehe, yayy for entertaining music!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* YES!! <3
Now I'm watching a "Hope for Haiti Now" live benefit thing....
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Ooohhhh.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* Poor people in Haiti. *tear* It makes me so sad to see them so hurt... and if I could, I'd be there... helping out whoever I could help!!! :( If I could, I'd adopt a child from there who lost everything. :(
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: .....uhmmmm...
not EVEN gonna try
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yeah, I feel bad since I can't do much too help. =[
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: i am soooo lost.
but oh well i usually am ^.^
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: We're talking about Haiti.
If I was trained in medical stuff... and had the money, I woulda volunteered with the Red Cross and gone there to help them.
So many people are dying because of infections and broken bones. :'(
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: ouch.
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: I'm taking a CNA class this semester. Maybe I Could help!! :3
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: woots!!!! go Chellie!!!
you go 'head wiff that!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Omgsh.
I'd support you the whole way, Chellie. :)
Damn my big heart! *watches tv and sobs*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yayy. :3 Help for the Haiti people!!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods*
I wish I could help them!!! >.<
That's how to donate...
I can't though. T^T
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Awww, darn. *snaps fingers*
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yea... *pouts*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *pouts with you* DX
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *glares at telethon benefit* You made me sad... *pouts and shakes fist at TV then explodes a thing full of eatable confetti*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *eats the confetti*
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: My wrist hurts. T^T
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Awww. *kisses it bettah* :) Hows dat?
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: Chellie.....wh
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Still hurts. BUT THANKS! =]
It's, I think, a mild form of Carpal Tunnel... =\
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: *grabs ice pack and places it on Rei's wrist*
stop typing so much and it wouldnt hurt ^^
love ya!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: But... but... I CAN'T STOP TYPING!
I mean, I wanna talk to my friends... but they all live in the computer... =\ So I has to type a lot...
Thanks Frank... love ya too! <3 XD
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: lol.
i cant say anything.
im always on this d*** thing.
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: wait...I DONT LIVE IN A COMPUTER!
do i??
*paranoid thoughts*
*hides in corner*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Eat Rei?? o__O *is confuzzled*
Ooohh, no fun. I don't like that feeling
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yes. You live in a computer to me.
Just like I live in a computer to you! *nods as if he's making complete sense*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Haha, yes!!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods smartly*
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: well....to me...you live in your house in Canada. not my computer.
i dont think at least....
*dismantles computer to try and find you*
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *laughs* Yes... I'm a little man that lives behind your computer's screen.
I called myself little! -.-
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: It's okay. Every day I'm called a midget and ultimately ugly by people and their eyes at school. Besides, you're fun-sized. =D
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: And SO are youuuuu Holleh! *huggles*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: :D
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: XD
Rei admitted he was little!!!!!!
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: We are not LITTLE. We're vertically challenged.
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: lol.
tis okay. i know lots of vertically challenged people though im not one of them
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Yea, you be quiet you giant!
I'm heightonomical
and I ACCIDENTALLY admitted I was little! -.-
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Hehe. :)
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: im not a giant Rei! im not that tall! T_T
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: You are to me... XD
*laughs and huggles Frank* But, you're my friendly gentle giant twin... remember?! :3
*is half asleep and not making much sense anymore*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Me either. I'm only 5' 4".
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: You're taller than me, Chellie! O.o
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: im 6'8" T_T
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Really? :O
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: yes. really.
which is why Rei calls me a giant.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* Yea.... 6'8" is kinda giantish to a 5'1" guy...
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: .<
its not my fault.
though its odd cause everyone is short in my family. my dad is the second tallest at 6'5"
my moms like 4'10"
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Wows.
My dad was tall too... just... not as tall as that. He was 6'1"...
I'm not even gonna mention my mother... -.-
2010-01-23 [Lucifer's Fire]: haha. lol.
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: I'm taller than my mom by 1 inch.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Wows! Hahaha! <3
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Yeah, it's awakward.
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: Guys..I got an idea. WE SHOULD STAND IN ORDER OF HEIGHT AND....do stuff. Mhm.
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: I agree!!
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: YES!!! *stands at one end of the line* =\
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *stands next to Rei*
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *looks up* You're tall to me... O.o
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *sits down* How about now?
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: .......-stands at the end- .............T
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: zOMG! I tall! *le gasp*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: *sings wiff Holly*
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: ONE WITH A COLLAR....TUUU
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: HEHE! <3
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: I just saw THE SCARIEST MOVIE...EVER. Like...EVER. -shudder-
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: What was it??
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: Dead End. It's a total mindfuck.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *stares and hides*
I don't like scary movies...
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: you want a mind fuck, watch a series called Paranoia Agent
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: O.o
That sounds freaky...
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: its an anime about how one small lie can infect the world
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Ooooooooooo...
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: another nice anime is Mushi-shi
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: Paranoia Agent FTW.
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: oh youve seen it?
2010-01-23 [L'il Porkchop]: Heard of it. I wanna see it.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Random question...
where can I download Full Metal Alchemist to watch online? :3
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: You should it is epic
no idea, i leech all mine from lans XD
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Darn... *heads back to the pirate bay to try again* XD
2010-01-23 [Strawboy]: haha best bet you have
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods and danceys off*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: I saw a french horror film this summer. Martyrs. It was creepy.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: O____O
Horror films scare me...
*ducks under a pillow*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: They entertain me. I never found one that actually scares me.
Two of my friends and I are posed to have a scary movie night at my house.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Oh my.
They kinda scare me... T^T
I watched Paranormal Activity back before Christmas... and ... *shivers* It scared me!!
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: I never seen that one. I heard different things from different people so...
But we're all gonna cuddle up on my couch under a blankie and watch movies. It sounds exciting.
2010-01-23 [Eternal Sunshine]: Paranormal Activity scared the begeebers outta me!
At one point, there's a loud BANG! on the door... HOLY CRAP! I screamed and hid behind Nathan. *hides*
2010-01-23 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Hmm, I should watch that for our movie night. ^_^
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